BB Codes
In Tabletop Simulator you can use basic BB Codes to spice up the Notebook, Rules, Notecards, onscreen Notes and even the Tooltips that you’re showing to other players. This is great when you want to properly format your notes and rules to make them look nice and neat.

- Sets the color of the text using hex.
- Ends most recently set color.
[b] [/b]
- Bolds the text between the tags.
[i] [/i]
- Italics the text between the tags.
[u] [/u]
- Underlines the text between the tags.
[s] [/s]
- Strikes through the text between the tags.
[sub] [/sub]
- Turns the text between the tags into subscript.
[sup] [/sup]
- Turns the text between the tags into superscript.
[FF0000][b]Welcome to the game![/b]
What is your favorite color?: [-] Mine is [00ff00][i]green[/i][-]!
Welcome to the game!
What is your favorite color?: Mine is green!