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Launch Options

Launch options allow for you to make special modifications to Tabletop Simulator that are not otherwise available.

Setting Launch Options

  1. In Steam, navigate to your games library and locate Tabletop Simulator.
  2. Right-click on Tabletop Simulator and select "properties".
  3. In the General tab, click "Set launch options".
  4. Enter the launch options, followed by "Ok" then "Close".

If using multiple launch options they are separated by a space.

Launch Options

Launch Option What It Does
-novid Disables in the intro video. You do not need to use both.
-nointro Disables the intro video. You do not need to use both.
-nothreading Disables the loading system in the background.
-nosteam Disables all the Steamworks-releated elements.
-notablet Disables the in-game tablet browser.
-force-opengl Forces OpenGL to be used. For Linux.
-screen-width Forces a specific game resolution (width) on launch.
-screen-height Forces a specific game resolution (height) on launch.
-log Enables full logging. Useful if you are experiencing problems.
-novoicechat Disables voicechat.
-vr Forces VR mode.
-nosubscription Does not attempt to download Workshop subscriptions on launch.

Launch Options Example

-novid -nosteam -notablet

Launch Options Example